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Laboratory Information System Sail

Result reporting is seamless and automated with optional manual input

Sail is an Automated Information System for Clinical Laboratory which incorporates operational processes of the clinical laboratory with Infomedika´s propietary HIS. Its automated efficiency and integration with diverse modules including Electronic Health Records makes it an ideal tool for Hospital Laboratories. Sail optimizes patient workflow in both inpatient and outpatient scenarios including order entry, order and label printing, sampling, sample scanning, billing, electronic billing, reporting of results, quality control and more.

From the Laboratory worktable stand point, integration with result reporting is seamless and automated with optional manual input. The system provides different alert status for abnormal test findings and technicians can alert medical professionals for closer follow up and better patient care.

Also, SAIL meets Medicare, 5010 ANSI X-12, HL-7 formats; as well as HIPAA and provides the required documentation for the use and disclosure of protected health information of their patients.